{"version":3,"file":"lg-video.umd.js","sources":["../../../src/plugins/video/lg-video-settings.ts","../../../src/lg-events.ts","../../../src/plugins/video/lg-video-utils.ts","../../../src/plugins/video/lg-video.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { PlayerParams } from './lg-video-utils';\n\nexport interface VideoSettings {\n /**\n * Enable/DIsable first video autoplay.\n * @description Autoplay has to be managed using this setting.\n * Autoplay in PlayerParams doesn't have any effect.\n */\n autoplayFirstVideo: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Change YouTube player parameters.\n * You can find the list of YouTube player parameters from the following link\n * YouTube player parameters\n * @example\n * lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightGallery'), {\n * youTubePlayerParams: {\n * modestbranding : 1,\n * showinfo : 0,\n * controls : 0\n * }\n * })\n */\n youTubePlayerParams: any;\n\n /**\n * Change Vimeo player parameters.\n * You can find the list of vimeo player parameters from the following link\n * Vimeo player parameters\n * @example\n * lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightGallery'), {\n * vimeoPlayerParams: {\n * byline : 0,\n * portrait : 0,\n * color : 'CCCCCC'\n * }\n * })\n */\n vimeoPlayerParams: PlayerParams;\n\n /**\n * Change Wistia player parameters.\n * You can find the list of Wistia player parameters from the following link\n * Vimeo player parameters\n */\n wistiaPlayerParams: any;\n\n /**\n * Go to next slide when video is ended\n * Note - this doesn't work with YouTube videos at the moment\n */\n gotoNextSlideOnVideoEnd: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Autoplay video on slide change\n * @description Make sure you set preload:\"none\"\n */\n autoplayVideoOnSlide: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Enbale videojs custom video player\n *
\n HTML5 video source = source: {\n src: string;\n type: string;\n }[];\n attributes: HTMLVideoElement;\n *
\n */\n html5Video: VideoSource;\n /**\n * True if video has poster\n */\n hasPoster: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Fired when the image is rotated in anticlockwise direction\n * @name lgRotateLeft\n * @method onRotateLeft\n */\nexport interface RotateLeftDetail {\n /**\n * Index of the slide\n */\n index: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Fired when the image is rotated in clockwise direction\n * @name lgRotateRight\n * @method onRotateRight\n */\nexport interface RotateRightDetail {\n /**\n * Index of the slide\n */\n index: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Fired when the image is flipped horizontally\n * @name lgFlipHorizontal\n * @method onFlipHorizontal\n */\nexport interface FlipHorizontalDetail {\n /**\n * Index of the slide\n */\n index: number;\n}\n\n/**\n * Fired when the image is flipped vertically\n * @name lgFlipVertical\n * @method onFlipVertical\n */\nexport interface FlipVerticalDetail {\n /**\n * Index of the slide\n */\n index: number;\n}\n","import { VideoInfo } from '../../types';\nexport type PlayerParams = Record